• Life Lessons,Eric English

    Life Lessons

    What would you share if you could travel back in time to your 20-year-old self? What are the most valuable lessons learned during the ups and downs? It’s these foundational life skills that help us overcome fear-based thinking. A common trap is when our mind prevents us from celebrating the gifts around us. Low-level thinking tempts us with replaying the past and overthinking the future. Wisdom gives us the ability to make decisions out of abundance and gratitude. Could we lose it all? Could life circumstances steer us into an unexpected turn? The short answer is yes BUT if see life from the viewpoint of things happening FOR us rather than happening to us we’ll experience joy more often. Here are some of the lessons I’d never trade for any amount of wealth or fame. Faith - My capacity for faith has grown as I’ve pursued a more intentional relationship with Jesus. Struggles and losses allow us to expand our perspective on life and encourage others by extending opportunities to share our stories. Faith gives me a certain peace and appreciation of God’s perfect vision. Patience - The balance between speed and patience is a tough one. A set of daily disciplines has kept me grounded here. No, I don’t see the rewards immediately but I know practicing these routines over and over will lead to accomplishing the goals I’ve set. Grit - Finding a way to appreciate the journey. Look at the process, the hard work, the stuff that may seem mundane with gratitude instead of negativity. No one loves 100% of what they do. Eventually, you’ll be able to see it all come together. Forgiveness - Give yourself and others more grace. You’re going to screw up and so are those around you. Let’s extend more grace, especially to those we love. Practicing internal gratitude and love for myself puts me in a healthy state to serve others. Health - Our overall mental and physical health either gives us an advantage or a disadvantage. Stay committed to daily exercise and live a lifestyle focused on a healthy relationship with food. Curiosity - With endless opportunities from so many digital platforms, we have no excuse when it comes to learning every day. Podcasts, books, and social media give us access to some of the best mentors. Never lose your passion for learning.  Playfulness - The enormous amount of stress brought on by the world can steer us away from fun. Take time to travel, play in the rain, wrestle with your kids, ride the rollercoaster, and all those little things that spark joy and laughter.

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